भारत का शस्त्र ज्ञान

* By reading these articles, you will be proud of your union now .. !! *
* In the Mahabharata period, it is said that there are ships, aircraft and nuclear weapons and light. What is the truth in these things? During the Mahabharata period, scholars have written many books and have tried to prove them. Now the question arises, is it really that our technology was more advanced than today's Mahabharata technology? Come know about the evidence that there are ships, aircraft and nuclear weapons in the Mahabharata period. *
* Atom bomb: In Mohan Jodado, there were some skeletons, which were said to be the effect of radiation. In the Mahabharata, chapters 13 to 15 of Saptakish festival have been given results of Brahmastra. These results are similar to what is happening now after the release of nuclear weapons. According to the historians of Hindu history, there was a Brahmashutra nuclear bomb left before 3 November 5563-64 years? *
 * It is described in the Mahabharata - "Tadastran Prajvajal Mahajwala Tejosmandal Svatamam .." "Sashbadhhamam Vyom Jwalamalakulan Bhrasham. Chachal ch mahat kritsna sarpravatavadruyaa .. '' 8 .. 10 ..14 ..- Mahabharat *
* That is: after leaving Brahmastra, the fierce wind began to hit a lot. Millennial meteors started falling from the sky. Geetmata became a terrible mahabhaa. There was a big word in the sky. The sky began to burn, the mountains shook the earth, the forest, along with the trees. *
* J. in modern times Robert Openheimer conducted a thorough study of the Gita and the Mahabharata. He researched the abomination of the Brahmastra described in the Mahabharata and named his mission Trinity (Trivedi). Between 1939 and 1945, under the leadership of Robert, a team of scientists did this work. It was first tested on July 16, 1945. *
* After the research work, foreign scientists believe that the use of atom bombs was actually used in the Mahabharata. 42 years ago Pune's doctor and author Padmakar Vishnu Vartak had said on the basis of his research that whatever Brahmastra was used during the Mahabharata was similar to the atomic bomb. Dr. Vartak wrote a book in 1969-70, 'Swayuba'. This is mentioned in it.
* Ancient India describes the use of Brahmastra somewhere. Even in Late Ramanan, when Lakshman wanted to use Brahmastra for the war, Shriram stopped him saying that its use is not right now, because it will clear the whole of Lanka. *
* Eric Vaughn writes in his best seller book "Charities of Gods": "In the era of Mahabharata, about 5,000 years old, how did a warrior know about any weapon which would have dried on that land for 12 years, Any weapon that is so powerful that it can kill a baby born in mother's womb? It means that there was something that was not enhanced or written and lost. '
* Aircraft: There is mention of the occurrence of a Pushpak aircraft in the Ramayana. A report of, a few years ago, claimed that an ancient Indian 5000 year old aircraft has been found in a cave in Afghanistan. It is said that this plane is trapped in a time-valve, due to which it is still safe. It would be appropriate to mention here that 'Time Well' is a protected area with electromagnetic shockwaves, and for this reason any person trying to go to this plane becomes missing or invisible due to its effect. However this news can not be confirmed. *
* It is said that the Kauravas were friendly with the demons in the battle of Mahabharata. The monsters gave them some aircraft. The Kuruv army used to wage it through the sky. It is also a fact that Sun God had given Karna a flaming aircraft. *
* According to one legend of the Mahabharata, Arjun and Shri Krishna go through Indra-lok through a flying plane. This aircraft used to move both land and sky. According to another legend, when Indraoja seeks armor and coil from Karna through trick. When Karna gives it to him, Indra starts running away from his plane. There is an airway in the middle, that Indra has tricked this, so your yan will remain there in the land until you give anything to Karna instead of armor and coil. In such a way, Indra promises to give Karna an unfailing weapon only when the aircraft moves forward. They return to the same plane and give Karna an impartial weapon. *
* Researchers of ancient India believe that there were aircraft in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, through which specific ones traveled smoothly from one place to another. Apart from many gods and gods, including Vishnu, Ravana, Indra, Bali etc. humans used to have their own airplanes. Many stories of traveling by plane are full of Indian texts. Not only this, there were many sages and monks, who returned to earth again on another planet. *
* Ship: There is mention of boat and ship in Ramayana before Mahabharata. Lord Rama crosses the Ganges after traveling in a boat. From Pushpak, they return to Ayodhya from Sri Lanka. On the other hand, there are many testimonies in the texts of Sanskrit and other languages ​​that Indian people used to travel to Arabia and other countries by ship.
* It is mentioned in the Mahabharata and related texts that large boats were run in the Yamuna. Through these boats, Shrikrushna and Balram used to visit Mathura from Dwarka and went to Mathura from Dwarka. In the meantime they had to travel by boat in the Saraswati river. In ancient times, the form of Yamuna and Saraswati river was different and giant. *
* India is surrounded by sea from three sides. The ancient Indian people had built the yacht first to travel in the sea. The image of the common man of Vedic age is of sailors that corresponds to the historical remains of the Saraswati Valley civilization. In India, the art of shipping and shipping was born in Sindh river 6,000 years ago. The English word Navigational has originated from the Sanskrit word nega. Navy word is derived from nine. The world's first navigational Sanskrit word has originated from new life. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word no.
* Some scholars believe that ships between India and the Shitalal Bay of Arabia and the ancient Khalad (Chaldea) country on the river Euphrates, were transported from ships about 3,000 years ago. Rigveda, India's oldest book, has many references to ships and seashells (Rig 1. 25. 7, 1. 48. 3, 1. 56.2, 7. 88. 3-4 etc.). Yagnavalkya Sahita, Markandeya and other mythologies also have ships and sea-related stories and talks at many places. Manushahita describes the rules related to the passengers of the ship. *

* While returning from the India campaign in the 4th century BC, Nankar, the commander of the great sankara, collected the fleet of Indian ships to send his army to the countryside. There are also replicas of ships in the middle of the Sanchi Stupa built in the second century BC and other statues at the western gates. *

*भारतवासी जहाजों पर चढ़कर जलयुद्ध करते थे, यह ज्ञात वैदिक साहित्य में तुग्र ऋषि के उपाख्यान से, रामायण में कैवर्तों की कथा से तथा लोकसाहित्य में रघु की दिग्विजय से स्पष्ट हो जाती है।भारत में सिंधु, गंगा, सरस्वती और ब्रह्मपुत्र ऐसी नदियां हैं जिस पर पौराणिक काल में नौका, जहाज आदि के चलने का उल्लेख मिलता है।*


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